Calculate Appropriate Ventilation Rates and Energy Impacts
Use this calculator to set ventilation rates per current updated guidance based on litres per second per occupant metrics, and convert these to ACH values based on building area and volumes. This calculator will also determine the lost energy as a function of ventilation efficiency and even the component of TEDI that Ventilation represents, and calculate a required aggregate whole-building U-value for compliance with a combined TEDI metric. NOTE: Some PHPP project data will find their projects would fail by entering identical values in this calculator, this is likely because this calculator does not account for the ‘usable gains’ %, and because the calculator is blind to building envelope surface area, orientation, etc. As compensatory measures we have provided sliders to approximate total gains and total air leakage in terms of a heat-loss and gain intensity metric. We do understand that some PH-level projects may fail to meet PHI certification level performance when ventilation rates or occupant schedules are increased, and that is the intended function of this calculator – to demonstrate the sensitive dependence of PHI compliance with low ventilation rates. We are suggesting TEDIventilation limits may need to be increased for the sake of indoor air quality and ventilation adequacy, which may impact TEDI as defined, but that netting zero energy on the basis using TEUI as a governing metric is still readily possible.About this Calculator
- Calculate a building Occupants # on the basis of a) size (ie. 1 person per 30m2), or b) defined limit of no. of occupants (ie. 20 persons).
- Set a ventilation rate in litres per second per occupant and determine total ventilation*occupants
- Set a Conditioned Floor Area
- Set a Conditioned Volume
- Calculate an ACH (Air Changes per Hour) on the basis of Volume/Ventilation Rate
- Set a HDD Value
- Set a Delta Tº Between Indoors and Outdoor Temperatures
- Set an ERV/HRV Recovery Efficiency Percentage
- Calculate a Total Recovered Ventilation Volume and related energy loads and losses this contributes
- Set a Maximum TEDI Target
- Determine how much Ventilation Loads contribute to TEDI
- Select alternative compliance Methods, NBC, CSA-F326, PHPP
- Compare Differences and understand whether respective metrics over-ventilate, under-ventilate, or strike a balance between occupant health and energy impacts.
HVI Listed ERV/HRVs for Residential Use: https://www.hvi.org/hvi-certified-products-directory/section-iii-hrv-erv-directory-listing/
Thomson Architecture, Inc. has used reasonable efforts to provide accurate and current information in the calculators on this website, but we cannot accept any liability for the content and we make no warranty or representation of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this website for any purpose. We also provide links to other websites as a convenience but not as an endorsement. You should never rely on, or take, or fail to take any action, based upon the information on this website alone without independent verification. Users should obtain appropriate legal and technical advice. The information presented here is for educational and information purposes only, which you may use at your own risk.