2020.014 Barrie B•Homes

  • June 14, 2021
  • andyro
BR = Bedroom Cube, LR = Living Room Cube, K/D = Kitchen/Dining Cube, SIP = Screened Porch Cube

Originally conceived in 1998 as affordable backyard suites for the City of Toronto, the Barrie B•Homes is an executed version that will meet or exceed Passive House and Net Zero Carbon standards, while providing an affordable, modular solution that can be site-assembled with the least time and materials possible. The B•Homes can start at a mere 258sf (just over the OBC minimum for an SRO/ADU) and grow by 12’x12′ modules to a 2-module suite with a separate Bedroom and Kitchen/Dining area ((419sf), or a 3-module unit with a separate Living Room, or even a 4-module layout that includes a 12’x12′ Screened Outdoor Porch.

Schematic layouts follow the logic of the schematic plans noted below:

BeHomes have been designed in strict compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the attached Ontario Ministry of Housing (MMAH) Guidance document.


To configure and price your own Barrie BeHome, try out our BETA configuration page here: https://www.thomsonarchitecture.ca/2020-014-barrie-bhomes/


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