45′ Container Prefab Park Model Trailer Units for a 100 Unit, Seasonal Resort Development. The concept was to work with the raw industrial language of the containers so that they are not completely ‘disguised’ – but to add insulation and all of the basic amenities one expects in a comfortable Summer cottage, insulation so it won’t overheat, and a wide range of add-on rooms that can be used for guests, dining, or screened in porches. Decks, Skirting, Stairs and Foundations are all designed to be simple and quick to install, and provide robust detailing to help prolong the life of the materials and reduce maintenance.
Designed for vertically integrated marketing, sales, manufacturing, after-sales support, rental pooling/time-share management, this 50 acre private development takes advantage of Park Model Trailer zoning, offshore manufacturing to CSA standards, and delivery to the Ontario site with exterior finishes and all furnishings and fixtures shipped inside for site assembly. Novel footing system resists uplift while allowing non-permanent locations for a wide range of site configurations and add-on rooms, decks, railings, stairs and other after-sales accessories.
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