Andy was asked to participate in the restoration of the light tower and keeper’s cottage at the Burlington Canal. Andy is the sixth generation descendent of Capt. Thomson, one of the first lighthouse keeper’s at the Burlington Main Light, constructed and opened in 1858. The lighthouse used to define a dominant and iconic space on the Burlington Beach, flanked by a yacht club and a number of other outdoor and leisure facilities. But with the industrialization of the Hamilton Harbour – formally known as Burlington Bay – the light tower and keeper’s cottage diminished from the public view as it became overshadowed by the massive skyway bridge, the adjacent steel lift bridge, and a number of other roadway embankments, utility and industrial structures. The current goals of the Beach Canal Lighthouse Group are to assume ownership of this now designated historic structure(s), and commence restoration and preservation for the public’s appreciation and enjoyment. A subsequent new structure, to host groups and activities related to the lighthouse, is planned for design and construction following additional visioning and fundraising goals. Andy’s current involvement was to assist the BCLG with the creation of a condensed, infographic, outlining the groups immediate and longer term goals.