2008.001 TRIO Malibu Edition

  • April 11, 2014
  • andyro

Designed as a surf-shack for a Canadian celebrity, the Malibu Edition took the best of the California Addition, and integrated a walk-through breezeway, twin bedrooms with a shared bath, and an extra-spacious walk-in-closet and spa bathroom.

The miniHome TRIO followed on the success of the miniHome SOLO, the TRIO model was intended for placement in the Malibu Park Model Trailer park known as Paradise Cove, and featured two bedrooms for the owner’s children. Project featured horse-logged Western Red Cedar from Vancouver Island, engineered wood framing, PU Insulation and a more spacious, 12’ wide layout with a central entrance. The 12 Wide chassis could have additional modules added to include decks, extra bedrooms and a solar trellis to make this SDS’s first truly modular project. 
