The first project in the $14billion dollar redevelopment initiative of Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s Regent Park, ‘Block 14’ is a tower & podium project that exemplifies the new planning for the community. Formerly a ghetto of social housing, the new projects all mix incomes and demographics. Block 14 contained commercial and market-rate townhouse units at grade, senior’s housing in the tower, and the co-generation (district heating plant) for the first phase of development. The project featured as many aspects of green design as were feasible, such as green roofs, rainwater collection, advanced heat (enthalpy) recovery and heat exchange systems, radiant floor heating and best in class thermal envelope detailing and glazing. aA won this competition, with Andy Thomson presenting to the jury all of the environmental features of the project. Competition team: Andy Thomson (Sustainability Lead), Adrian DiCastri, Adam Feldman, Emerich Kaspar. Photos by Terrence Tourangeau. Architecture by architectsAlliance.